Dear Discouraged/Frustrated Parents,
I know I’ve made some pretty strong claims above. And you might be thinking,
“This guy is full of it …he must think he can work miracles.”
No, I’m not a miracle worker. But you don’t need a miracle! All you need
is this simple set of proven parenting techniques to use with your oppositional,
defiant child.
I'm not offering a complete cure for ALL behavior problems, and I'm not trying
to claim that every single thing that you'll ever need to help your child is in my
eBook. But if you are looking for rock solid and proven solutions to a whole
bunch of parenting-predicaments that you have with your out-of-control child,
then I'm confident that you can benefit from my help.
For many years now I've been running a very successful parent program, but I
wanted to take it a step further. I wanted to reach out to parents worldwide and
help them discover that there really is light at the end of the tunnel. That’s
when I came up with Online Parent Support (OPS). Since its launch in 2004,
OPS has overwhelmed users and success rates have been phenomenal.
If you're one of those parents who has paid a fortune on must-have parenting
eBooks only to find they were full of useless information you could have gotten
anywhere, then don’t make the mistake of clicking off this site before you at least
call or email me with some specific questions about My Out-of-Control Child
eBook. I guarantee you won't find this information anywhere else.
You could (and may) spend the rest of the afternoon surfing and "researching"
about Oppositional Defiant Disorder only to find that you've gained a wonderful
knowledge of what the problem is without any knowledge of what to do about it.
Let’s face it: You have been force-fed garbage and misinformation that will
never put your child back on the right track. All you have really been doing is
building-up even more barriers and creating more stress – for you and your
I'm tired of reading all the bad advice out there …I’m tired of seeing children's
lives ruined because they just can’t be controlled …and I’m tired of seeing
parents chase their tails in a hopeless cycle of frustration and stress.
I’m giving you the chance to break the cycle of abuse and mistrust …to bring
harmony back into your life …and to keep your child from self-destruction.
And I’m going to put my money where my mouth is:
If you don’t begin to experience success with these strategies within the first
week, then I want you to email me – – and say, “I want
a refund.” With one click of my mouse, I will send your refund-request to PayPal
(the secure network that sells my eBook), and they will promptly refund 100% of
your purchase.
Parenting strong-willed, out-of-control children is tough! If you don't know how,
that is...
Here’s a recent email from a new member of Online Parent Support. She and
her husband sent this email to their son’s Psychiatrist and Treatment Team:
“…coming up with a proper diagnosis and treatment has taken us down many
roads, all leading to different therapies, parent-education classes, including
Jayne Major's course Breakthrough Parenting Services as well as James
Lehman's Total Transformation Program. Through countless hours of research
and phone calls, we have discovered the different levels of support are
dependent on insurance, out of pocket expenses, including potentially selling
our home and putting him in a residential treatment center with no guarantees of
a positive outcome. Needless to say, quality intervention has been hard to find.
Recently we found an on-line course by Mark Hutten called My Out of Control
Child. It seems the most helpful and pragmatic approach so far. We wanted to
share with you where we are in the course so we are all on the same page in
helping our son and family through this crisis."
$29 is really a painless drop in the bucket compared to the money you could
lose over time with counseling, parent-education classes, psychiatric evaluations
and treatment, residential placement, medication, repairing property damaged
during tantrums, etc.
Yes, for the price of dinner at a local restaurant, you will have all the information
you need to jump full force into getting peace and respect back in your house
again. If you need to justify the expense, skip taking the kids out for pizza once
this week - and it's paid for.
If you’re going through the same parent-child conflict that most of the other
parents who land on this site are going through, then the problems at home and
school are not getting better -- they’re steadily getting worse. How much longer
are you willing to wait? I'm guessing that you have already wasted too much
time and energy trying to get some real solutions.
I trust that you’ll take a step of faith here and get started with this online program
~ Mark Hutten, M.A.
From the office of Mark Hutten, M.A. Online Parent Support, LLC Author of My Out-of-Control Child
The problem is that most parents of defiant, out of control children have tried
very hard to regain control -- but with little or no success. And it seems the
harder the parent tries, the more the child "acts-out."
I often hear the following statement from parents: "I've tried everything
with this child -- and nothing works!" But when they attend my parent-
program, they soon discover they have not tried everything, rather they have
tried some things. Learn more about the parent-program.
Now there is an online version of the parent-program for working parents
who are struggling with their out-of-control children, and you will experience
the same success as those who attend the program in person.
You will learn cut-to-the-chase parenting strategies that work immediately rather
than months or years down the road. And I guarantee your success or you get
your money back -- and you can keep the package I am about to offer you. This
is how confident I am that the online version of the parent-program is going to
work for you.
The online version is called Online Parent Support (OPS).
CLICK HERE to learn more about OPS.
OPS includes My Out-Of-Control Child eBook (a digital book). In this book,
I share over 150 proven techniques to use with your oppositional, defiant child.
If parents don’t have these techniques, all they are left with are conventional
parenting techniques. And as they may have discovered, conventional
techniques don't work with unconventional children. Learn more about
traditional parenting strategies.
=> Does your child often:
- lose his temper
- argue with adults
- refuse to comply with rules and requests
- deliberately annoy people
- blame others for his mistakes and misbehavior
=> Is your child often:
- touchy and easily annoyed by others
- angry and resentful
- spiteful and vindictive
Learn more about Oppositional Defiant Disorder.
CLICK HERE to view a partial list of topics covered in the eBook.
Believe it or not, your child doesn't need counseling. You don’t need parenting
classes. You don’t need -- nor would you want -- a 250-page manual on how to
be a better parent. Who has time for that? And you don’t need to go through
another year of pain and misery with rebellious, foul-mouthed kids with an
However, what you may need is someone who has worked with oppositional,
defiant children and frustrated parents for nearly 20 years -- and does so for
a living -- to show you a set of very effective parenting techniques that are
guaranteed to work. That would be me, Mark Hutten, M.A..
OPS includes:
- Live Audio Recordings of the entire parent-program I conduct at Madison
County Youth Center
- Power Point Presentations and Videos shown during the program (plus
dozens of additional videos on everything from ADHD to Wilderness
- OPS Website -- updated daily with many additional parenting resources
- OPS Bonus eBooks Site -- I obtain re-distribution rights to other parenting
eBooks and offer them FOR FREE to members of OPS; currently there are
44 additional eBooks for download ($318. value)
- Parent Forum -- where members of OPS support and seek advice from one
another; meet and talk (via forum or chat) to married and single parents
who are experiencing the same parent-child difficulties as you
- OPS Weekly Newsletter -- provides many additional resources for
parenting today's children
- Access to me via phone, email, or OPS Chat Room -- always feel free to
contact me as often as needed while you begin to implement your new
parenting strategies
- 100% Money Back Guarantee
Whether you have big problems or small problems, whether you are a single
parent, divorced or separated parent, adoptive parent, foster parent, step parent,
a traditional two-parent family, or a grandparent raising a grandchild -- this
material is guaranteed to work for you.
Initially, the parents who attend my parent-program (the same program you’ll
get with Online Parent Support) are at their "wit's end" and describe home-life
as “hell's kitchen.”
A few short weeks after they complete the program (which is divided into 4
sessions, 90 minutes each session), the majority of parents report that problems
in their homes have reduced in frequency and severity and are finally
You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how simple it is to get started with these non-
traditional parenting strategies. Whenever you have a couple spare moments
sitting at your computer, you can see how to bring about positive change in your
…change that will reduce parent-child conflict;
…change that will reduce your stress-level significantly;
…change that will increase the likelihood that your child will be a success
at home, at school, and in life.
=> Is your child in charge (the tail is wagging the dog)?
=> Does he have an "attitude" 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?
=> Is he resentful about something that happened in the past
and just can’t seem to get over it?
=> Are you tired of embarrassing phone calls from school
regarding your child's disruptive behavior in class?
=> Are you concerned that your child:
- Is going to hurt himself?
- Is going to hurt someone else?
- May end up in juvenile detention someday?
- May experiment with drugs or alcohol someday?
=> Has your child:
- Lied to you?
- Stolen from you?
- Destroyed property?
- Ran away from home?
- Refused to do any chores?
- Refused to follow any rules?
- Been verbally & physically aggressive?
- Had temper tantrums that knew no limits?!!
If so, then I hope you download My Out-Of-Control Child eBook and join
Online Parent Support today.

Click on the Buy Now button below to order My Out-of-Control Child eBook and Join Online Parent Support for a one-time payment of only $29.00
This program is GUARANTEED to work, so there's absolutely NO WAY that you can lose!
Members Download Access provided by Sold by Online Parent Support, LLC. Instant Download Access
No Monthly Fees Order Online 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week, 365 days-a-year
If you are uncomfortable purchasing items online, you may write a check here.
ITEM: MOOCC-regsite
Here is a recap of what you’ll receive when you join Online Parent Support:
- My Out-Of-Control Child eBook which contains the text version of the
parent-program (read online or print out a hard copy from your printer)
- Live audio recordings you can listen to online
- Power Point Presentations and Videos you can view online
- Full access to OPS Website
- Full access to Bonus eBooks Site
- Parent Forum where a community of parents support each other
- On-going & easy access to your own personal parenting-coach via phone,
email correspondence, or OPS Chat Room
- No hassle money-back guarantee
Online Parent Support is all about:
- Serving people, specifically parents who are at a point of frustration
with their child's emotional/behavioral problems and resultant parent-
child conflict
- Providing an invaluable product that everyone can afford
- Providing a parenting-package that continues to grow over time by
incorporating additional products and services at no extra cost to existing
Feel free to contact me. You'll get no "sales pitch" -- just answers to any
questions you may have.
1. What is your toughest parenting challenge currently?
2. What other problems are you experiencing with your child right now?
3. Do you have any questions about OPS or My Out-Of-Control Child eBook?
You Can't Lose With My 100%, Ironclad, "Better-Than-Risk-Free" Money Back Guarantee
I say "better-than-risk-free" because this whole package is yours to keep even in the unlikely event you decide to ask for a refund.
If for any reason you aren't thrilled and satisfied with your purchase, just contact me within 365 days (that's right - one year!) and I'll give you a 100% prompt and courteous refund... no questions asked!
ONLINE PARENT SUPPORT, LLC All rights reserved. Material from may not be copied, reproduced, or distributed in any way without consent. Website by MBH Publishers
ONLINE PARENT SUPPORT STAFF: Mark Hutten, M.A. (Counseling Psychology) David McLaughlin, MD (Consultant: Psychiatry) Julie Kennedy, Psy.D. (Consultant: Clinical Psychology)
My Out-of-Control Child eBook is a "Best Seller" Parenting eBook for ODD children.
Even if you have a very slow internet connection, download time is only about 5 - 30 seconds.
Audio CDs of the parent-program are available to OPS members upon request. Delivered in 3 - 7 days.

"I just have to let you know that I just started reading your book...I am in tears as I am reading. It is like you have been hanging out in our home, watching us. We are on our 4th therapist in a 3 year period and not one of them have seemed to have a grasp on what we are dealing with, but your first few chapters have summed us up almost immediately. I had to stop and say thank you." -- M.J.
"I had problems with my 15-year-old daughter last year and found your online course. I can’t even begin to tell you how helpful it was in turning my daughter around. I followed it up with a trip to Uganda – just the 2 of us – for 15 days last summer, which forced us to bond. It’s been a great year this year and I want to thank you for your huge part in that. No more sleepless nights. Your website gets lots of referrals from me! I think your method utilizing online courses and support groups is brilliant. Warm regards." -- M.H.
"Thank you for your concern for others. My husband and I were at the end of our ropes. I prayed for wisdom and God certainly answered my prayer. I have already tried some things on the first week actually the day I ordered this and to my amazement - they worked!! I had already been thinking the turmoil was like a drug for my daughter and I was right. Thank you so much and God Bless you!" – E.H.
"Tara and I joined your website for our 16 year old quite a few months back. Let me say this after having gone through many different programs for difficult teenagers, your program is very solid. We have told our current counselors and connections about it so that other parents may use your very good resources, too. Our son is to the point now where he no longer argues." – T.M.

Emails from a few of the parents who
have joined Online Parent Support:
"I just wanted to say a BIG Thank You
for your work! I think, I mean I KNOW
that your e-books and website are the
most informative I have ever seen. And
I have looked everywhere, read every-
thing, tried it all! Thank you!" - D.G.
“Your ebook is very thorough and has
helped me and my family immensely.
My husband and I have a better under-
standing now! Since completing the
program, my son Jonathon has brought
his grades up 35%, and he is getting
praise from teachers. The Assistant
Principal wrote a letter describing
improvements in Jonathan’s behavior
and gave it to me at the parent-teacher
conference.” - T.S.
“We thank everyone involved with this
program. We are using the techniques
we have learned on ALL of our children,
not just the one we were having trouble
with.” - A.J.
“I found your book very helpful, even
though our child was already in place-
ment at a juvenile facility. Wish we had
taken this course years ago.” - T.P.
“I looked forward to each session. It
was my support to get through the
week. Plus I looked forward to what
new things to learn to help with my
child. Thanks for your help. Thanks
for being there." - J.D.
“Everything was helpful. I wish I had
known about this class 3 years ago.
I hope we haven’t waited too long to
try these parenting techniques.” - M.Q.
"I am very pleased to know I have
somewhere I can come for help --
and I thank you for your help!" - A.H.
"I know if it hadn't been for this
program, my son would be in the
'system' and my stress level would
be through the roof." - J.L.
"It's been 6 weeks since my wife and
I completed the ebook, and although
things are not perfect -- it's a lot better
than it was! Thanks." - S.H.
“The ebook was straight forward and
concise. It was good to see another
approach. I wish we had started using
these techniques earlier." - L.D.
“This program should be mandatory for
some parents!" - J.H.
"I remember feeling so helpless, like
I couldn't do anything about the chaos
and drama in my home. I told myself,
'If you haven't got the power, there is
nothing you can do about your situation'
...Seeing myself as helpless insured
paralysis and provided a powerful
rationale for doing nothing. But now I
feel empowered -- because most of the
things I'm trying actually work." - M.C.
"I pretended that things were getting
better on their own, but this pretending
took the place of the effort required to
bring about real change. That's all over
now. I'm taking responsibility for my part
of the problem, and my daughter is
accepting her part as well." - B.E.
"I think my biggest problem was that
I didn't change the things that weren't
working. I kept using the same old
parenting strategies and hoped for
different results. This turned out to be
almost as big a problem as not trying to
fix problems in the first place. For
example, I thought that threatening to
do this or that was an effective form
of discipline -- but since I had to use it
each day to correct the same problem,
it should have been obvious that it was
not a good strategy. I have better tools
in my parenting toolbox now. Thanks
for all your help." - G.B.
"I realized I was very good at allowing
my children to be independent, but I
was not very good at setting clear and
firm limits for behavior. My children
easily discovered rules that could be
broken if their protests were long and
loud enough ...Often times, I just
wanted to avoid the hassle of a conflict.
It was easier for me to let the rules
slide than to deal with the fuss. Also, it
was sometimes hard to refuse my
children anything, because I didn't want
them to be unhappy. I thought "unhappy
children" equals "bad parents." And I
guess at some level I was afraid my
children would become angry and hate
me if I set boundaries. Now I know that
children want to know that their parents
are in charge; they need structure and
limits. This concept alone is helping me
immensely." - J.W.
"Just a short note to say thanks. We
are now well into your assignments and
things are going well. As you predicted,
things got a lot worse to begin with, but
the three kids and both parents are
starting to settle well. We are getting
into a routine, and now “no” is truly
beginning to mean “no,” consequences
to actions are beginning to be followed,
and your method of getting them to do
something is very effective. Many
thanks. I hope it's still o.k. to write with
any questions as they come along, as I
feel we are only part way through. And
as they get older, new things are going
to appear. Thanks again." - M.V.
"Thanks for the accommodations. You
are a big help. I started some of the
pointers that we've talked about, and I
see some good effects. It's very hard to
switch emotions, but I'm trying my best.
I think I will be sending you a lot of
thanks for this book and for the warm
accommodation on the first phone
consultation. I know I got the right help
now. I wish God will give you more time
to accommodate parents like me." - K.N.
"My husband and I have been going
over your book and we have found it to
be incredibly helpful. I am still losing
control over myself and getting into
screaming matches with my ODD kid,
but we are still doing better than before
we found your book." - C.K.
“Thank you for saving my family. When
my 13-year-old daughter turned into an
angry out of control person last spring
I had no idea of how to handle her. Nor
did the therapists I consulted. I thought
I might have to put her into a residential
treatment program. I found your web-
site and downloaded your book. I refer
to it as "the Bible." My daughter's
behavior turned around the instant I
stood up to her and gave her limits.
The change was amazing and all for the
good. It has helped me to be clear, less
reactive, calmer, more loving - and a lot
firmer. If a situation arises, I feel that I
know what to do and what action to
take. In other words, you are a genius!
I am deeply grateful.” - R.B.
"Thanks again Mark. I have been very
impressed with your advice and felt I
should "pay it forward" as we feel we
are getting such extreme value for our
money. As such, I sent your web mail
address to the doctor who was "trying"
to help us. Our son was so extremely
disrespectful during our visit with the
doctor that he was exasperated at the
end and told us there was nothing more
he could do and so we should consider
kicking him out at 18 and prior to that,
send him to a home for "raging" kids if
his behaviour continued. I also note
that our doctor has a Psychology
degree. I know he has many cases such
as ours, so I sent him your website to
pass on to other parents who would
benefit from this resource. Kindest
regards." - S.T.
"Mark- I am only on the second week
of your program, but I'm already seeing
an amazing and positive difference in
my daughter. We have struggled with
her behavior since she was 9 months
old. I was humbled and astounded to
learn that I was a very big part of the
problem in the way that I was reacting
to her. We actually have some peace in
our home and she even hugs us and
says “I love you” on a regular basis.
She has even begun apologizing for
getting angry and being unreasonable.
The next step is to help her bring her
grades up and stay out of trouble at
school. I have every confidence that we
have turned a corner and I’m referring
everyone I know to your program." - T.E.
"When I started the program, I felt so
lost and helpless. Mark said things
that made me swear he knew my child
personally. Everything I read seemed
to be about my child. This was how I
knew this program was different, and
that it could work. The steps were easy
to follow, and the results were fast.
When we took the parenting quiz, I
scored an 80 and my husband scored
100. This really opened our eyes. Now
all 3 of my children are happier and
easier to deal with." - K.J.
"I wanted to say thank you for all your
support, sound advice, and speedy
responses last year. You were the only
person I could speak with, and you
helped me enormously." - M.E.
"I have purchased your e-book and
cds... just wanted to say how amazing
your work is proving to be. I work in
field of psychiatry -- but have struggled
to discipline my son and to understand
his behaviour. I have put in to practice
the first week session and already it is
working. Your insight into teenagers is
amazing... it was like you had written it
all for my son and I. Thank you, a 1000
times, thank you. I’ll keep you informed
of J__’s progress, my 16 year old out of
control teenager!" - T.W.
"I am so thankful and blessed I found
your website. I am incorporating your
suggestions into my life with my 15-year-
old daughter – and things are going so
much better. We are both trying and,
though she still goes to counseling, I
feel like I have tools to work with her
now. Thanks a $$$million and God
Bless You!" - P.O.
"Thanks Mark. After reading some of
your ebook, it makes me realize areas
we have to work on. Not ONE counselor
we've ever seen has ever made more
sense -- we've wasted dozens of hours
in counseling. We are going to take
some positive steps forward now." - E.S.
"Today, I spoke to my son's former
counselor (whom I was asking for a
referral for another counseling, which
I did before I found your ebook). I told
her, “I think I don't need it for now,”
because I found your site. I gave her
your site and told her to spread the
word about your ebook, since her job
deals with parents and kids of similar
problems. In a week's time, I've seen a
great change. Now my 2nd son (AJ) asks
permission before he goes out of the
house and calls me when he can't come
home on the agreed time. I can also see
some smiles on his face little by little.
Thanks again for all the help!" - F.D.
"Just started reading your Ebook and
WOW, even if my daughter who is 14 is
not as bad as some, just dealing with
small issues compared to some, I just
have this calming feeling that we are
going to be o.k. I started the techniques
from Assignment 1 and already can see
a look of astonishment on my
daughter's face." - W.A.
"I should mention our successes. Last
week, our son received a merit award
at school assembly for his ‘amazing
improvements’ in class. He was also
sent to the headmaster to show him a
piece of creative writing he’d done,
which was beautiful, detailed and above
all way beyond what he was asked to do
(he had been doing absolute minimum,
and nowhere near what he is capable
of). The headmaster wrote him a note
of congratulations, which he proudly
brought home. Mark, I just want you to
know this is completely unprecedented.
I believe it is entirely due to the recent
changes we’ve made by following your
program . As you mentioned, it is going
to take some time to turn around
behaviour that has become habit over
11 years, and I’m sure there are
continuing challenges ahead, but we
really want to thank you this program,
and the insight and support it provides.
Best regards." - L.H.
"Thank you for your program. I'm
totally desperate to fix this worsening
situation in our home. I was so stressed
out before finding your website and
program, that even after I purchased it
(with scepticism), it took all my energy
to read Session 1. Now I see all the
things I am doing wrong (I'm a text book
case of the over-indulgent parent and
the queen of advance credit) and
realise there's hope - and we haven't
tried everything." - D.N.
"Dear Mr. Hutten, I wanted to tell you
how important a resource your program
was for me a few years ago. One of my
sons is extremely strong willed. He was
always a very good student and athlete
in high school but started drinking and
smoking pot, was extremely rude and
disrespectful to us and oftentimes very
angry. During this time I could never
trust him. He oftentimes snuck out
windows late at night. It was a very
difficult situation for all of us. Willing to
try anything, I scoured the internet and
came across your site. This was the
most important purchase that I ever
made online. I printed this manual out
at home and referenced it many, many
times over the next year or so. My
husband and I were often not "on the
same page" in dealing with our son's
behavior. I would directly quote your
instructions to him anytime he tried to
let one of our son's bad behaviors
slide. Your program worked. We came
to find out much later that our son had
been experiencing severe anxiety and
panic attacks. During one bad attack at
school he left the building, drove away
and called me. Thank God he had the
courage to finally confide in me what he
had been experiencing for a long time.
He finally agreed to go to therapy which
also helped him tremendously (as long
as you find the right one). My son is
now in his second year of college. He
continues to be a wonderful student
and athlete, and I now have my "old
son" back. He is enjoying life and is a
delight to be around. He is still very
strong willed and always will be, but
that is now serving him well. I can't
thank you enough. You were the start
of saving my son's life and putting him
back on track. My advice to any parent
who is having problems with their teens
would be to try to follow your program
and don't give up on your child. It is
worth all of the effort! Thanks again."
- A Forever Grateful Mom
More emails...

Excerpt from Psychology Today:
They say that the most challenging job
in the whole world is being a parent of
a child with ODD (Oppositional Defiant
Disorder). This is indeed true.
It’s a relief that an expert like Mark
Hutten came up with this whole “My
Out-of-Control Child” package. This
enables every modern-day parent to
find resources from the Internet, right
at their fingertips. With years of hands-
on experience and thorough studies
about parenting and dealing with
children experiencing emotional and
behavioral problems, there is no other
man to run to but him.
The package includes everything that
a parent can ask for. When you look for
certain resources online, the challenge
is weighing which ones are really
dependable and trustworthy. With live
audio recordings about the whole
parenting necessities, you can
definitely have a real feel of how Mark
delivers a parenting speech to a crowd
in a real-life venue. This shows how this
whole package is more of a passion
rather than a written document with no
life-experience and practicability.
Being able to view videos and slide
shows about parenting defiant children
gives a parent the knowledge and
understanding of what it is, how it
affects the family-unit, and how to deal
with it.
Mark believes that there is a need to be
guided hands-on as you orient yourself
with the process. So with this, phoning
and emailing him is possible. Not only
do you have the chance to discuss
issues and concerns with him, but also
you get to meet other parents with
similar problems through the forum.
From this, you can start with the
optimism that you are not alone and that
there is serious hope for both you and
your strong-willed, out-of-control child.

*** Watch This Video First ***
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